Parkside News
Recent Blogposts
60 Days of Thanking
During the months of May and June we are thanking God for His guidance and all that has taken place in the previous months.
60 Days of Pledging: Update
Partial Involvement
May 8 marks the transition between our 60 Days of Pledging and the 60 Days of Thanking. To date, we have received $6.3 million in Faith Promises from 448 households representing 42% of our $15 million goal from 22% of our estimated 2000 individuals and families.
Full ParticipationOur leadership team is asking every member and regular attender who has not yet submitted a Faith Promise to pick up a card, from one of the info racks, and place it in the offering plate. Even if you are unable to participate financially at this time please be involved in this way so that we may better informed in our decision making.
Everyone PrayingWe encourage each of you to continue to pray for God’s guidance and to give thanks for those who have filled out a Faith Promise card. If you have specific questions or feedback regarding any aspect of Building into the Next Generation, you can either submit them online at parksidechurch.com/vision or call the church at 440.543.1212.