Parkside News
Practice Run in the Commons
Practice Run in the Commons on March 30 and April 27, 2014: Getting Ready for the Auditorium Renovations
What is it?
A Sunday when our services are held in the Commons instead of the Auditorium.
When is it?
First practice run: Sunday morning and evening, March 30, 2014.
Second practice run: Sunday morning and evening, April 27, 2014.
Why are we doing this?
As part of our vision for Building Into the Next Generation, we are planning to begin renovations to the Auditorium. During that time, we will be meeting in the Commons for our Sunday services. We are using this practice run to better learn and prepare for the many adjustments we’ll need to make in order to hold regular services in the Commons.
When will the renovations begin?
The design phase is nearing conclusion and our plan is to begin renovations this summer.
How can you help?
- Please be patient.
- Show up a little early!
- Scoot in, get to know your neighbor, and leave open seating at the ends of the row.
- Plan to exit the Commons right after the service but don’t rush off, please head over to the Fellowship Hall and enjoy refreshments and conversation with a friend!

FAQs For the Practice Run on March 30 and April 27
Where can I enter the building?
Enter through the Fellowship Hall, or any entrance along the corridor outside of the Auditorium.
Where do I enter the Commons?
Please enter through the double doors outside the Fellowship Hall.
Will there still be children’s ministry?
Yes, Birth-5th grade will meet in their typical rooms, but students in middle school or high school will not be gathering.
Will there be life groups?
No, because many of our regularly used rooms will be unavailable.
Will Books by the Park be open?
Yes, before, between and afterwards but not during the services. For a complete listing of store hours, please visit parksidechurch.com/bbtp.