Parkside News
Building into the Next Generation: Facility Update and Funding Status
- The children’s wing will be completed September 2014
- The Fellowship Hall renovation and expansion will be completed November 2014
- The Auditorium renovation will commence this fall 2014
- Construction of the chapel will commence in 2015
Parkside needs to receive the remaining pledges committed for 2014 and 2015 to fund its building construction projects in process.
If you have made a pledge to the Building into the Next Generation campaign, please continue to fulfill your 2014 and 2015 commitments.
If you have not yet participated in the Building into the Next Generation campaign, please consider making a pledge or gifts for 2014 and 2015.
You can pick up a Faith Promise form at any of the information centers. Please submit your completed form by placing into an offering plate, giving it to an usher, or mailing to the church office.
As God makes it possible, we are deeply grateful for your faith promise, whether it is for $1 or $1 million.