Parkside News
The Building is Almost Ready. The Kids Are Coming Soon. We
Over the past year at Parkside, we have often heard the phrase, “building into the next generation,” and the new children’s wing is evidence that we are serious about nurturing and caring for families. This new building is more than just bricks and mortar—it represents the heart’s desire of Parkside Church—to see unbelieving people become committed followers of Christ. “Building into the next generation” means that we are laboring to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with boys, girls, men and women, so that future generations will know Christ and serve Him, long after our generation is gone.
That’s where YOU come in.
YOU can be a “Gospel laborer” and play a vital role in building into the next generation by serving in children’s ministry.
One of our largest ministries to children is called Kids QUEST Sunday School. While parents attend morning worship and LIFE groups, we are actively “building into” the children who attend Kids QUEST each week. Children are shown Christ’s love and learn God’s Word at age-appropriate levels from the time they are two years old.
Can you play a guitar or sing songs? Do you enjoy playing games or putting puzzles together? Are you able to complete colorful crafts or set out snacks? Can you creatively tell a story or befriend a sad or lonely child? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then YOU can be a “Gospel laborer” on one of our Sunday School teams! Won’t you prayerfully consider being a part of “building into the next generation?”
We’d love to talk with you about what is involved in serving on a Sunday School team. You can stop by the Fellowship Hall on any Sunday in August to talk with someone, call the church office or visit our website for more details.