Parkside News
2014 Annual Meeting & Annual Report
We invite each member and attendee to join us for the upcoming Annual Meeting on Sept. 27, 2015 at 6pm during the evening worship service. This meeting fulfills our legal requirement as a non-profit organization in the state of Ohio and there will be a brief statement of the financial report. The 2014 annual report is available in the info racks or in PDF form here.
A Word From The Elders
Paul instructs his young protégé Timothy to preach the word (2 Tim 4:2) with the same enthusiasm that he had in following Paul’s teaching, and to train others to do so as well (2 Tim 2:2). Proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, and training others to do so, continues to be the heartbeat of Parkside Church as we strive to see unbelieving people become committed followers of Jesus Christ.
That proclamation takes many forms at Parkside, through consistent preaching in morning and evening services at three locations, our partnership with Truth For Life in sending out Alistair’s teaching worldwide, the nurture and training of children in our new facility, and numerous small group bible studies in a variety of settings. The work of training continues to take place in several ways as well, including our Pastoral Internship and Missionary in Training (MIT) programs, our Basics Conference for pastors, the Equipping Servants (ESI) training program which continues to expand across South and Central America, and our partnership with Dehli Bible Institute (DBI) in India which is training hundreds of pastors and church planters.
God continued to move among us this year as we laid the groundwork for another regional church plant, this time on the west side of Cleveland in Lakewood. When this work officially launches, beginning worship services in September of 2015, it will join our other regional sites in Green and Lake County where ministry and the proclamation of the Gospel continue to grow and expand. We keenly look forward to completing our remodeling project and moving back into our main worship center space in 2016. We remain very thankful to all who have contributed to our progress in the past year, including those who continue to give sacrificially and complete their pledges, the design and construction teams, the facility staff, and the many volunteer teams who have helped make our temporary space in the Commons not just adequate, but actually an exciting new way to worship together.
As we move forward together serving Christ, we are thankful for the abundant blessings we have received, as evidenced by the figures in this report. Let us also all remain fully devoted in holding fast to and proclaiming Paul’s encouraging words:
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed…which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 2 Tim 3:14-15
Roger Jones