Parkside News
Annual Meeting and Report
We invite each member and attendee to join us for the upcoming Annual Meeting on October 30, 2016, at 6pm during the evening worship service. This meeting fulfills our legal requirement as a non-profit organization in the state of Ohio and there will be a brief statement of the financial report. The 2015 annual report is available in the info racks or available in 2015 Annual Report
A Word From the Elders
As we look back on 2015, our hearts are filled with thankfulness as we see God at work. Through your generosity and service, the gospel of Jesus Christ was made known locally in our communities, regionally in our church plants, and globally through our partnerships and missions. As a Board of Elders, we pray regularly for the people of Parkside Church, thanking God for you and praying that He will use each one of you to build His kingdom and to be ambassadors for His glory wherever He has placed you.
We have been thoroughly encouraged to see God at work as He continues to save lost people and grow us together in Christ. More small groups than ever are meeting weekly to study God’s word and grow in fellowship. Two men from our internship program joined our pastoral team and three more interns have joined us for a year. We also thank God that Parkside Church Westside celebrated its first birthday while Parkside Church Lake County enjoyed its fourth. Our global impact grows as well, as missionaries who have been sent out in the past year were prepared for the mission field through our Missionary-in-Training (MIT) program. In every endeavor, we desire that our hearts and our actions will be in line with the Lord Jesus Christ and that the Holy Spirit will be powerfully at work in and through us.
Looking forward, we are confident in the Lord and prayerful as we plan. We pray that God will guide and direct our steps in the coming year as He has faithfully done in the past. Call out to God, along with us, that he will make us wise as we seek to have a greater impact in our surrounding communities, as we strengthen and equip our church body, as we consider new church plants, and as we investigate new locations around the globe for world missions. Know that when you pray, when you serve, and when you give, you invest in all of this. As Paul prays for the believers whom he loves, we pray for you:
“...asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and
understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in
every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” – Colossians 1:9-10, ESV
Tom Piazza
The complete Annual Report can be downloaded here