Parkside News
Annual Meeting and Annual Report 2016
We invite each member and attender to join us for our Annual Meeting at 5:30 pm prior to the evening service on September 10. This meeting fulfills our legal requirement as a non-profit organization in the state of Ohio and there will be a brief statement of the financial report. The 2016 annual report is available in the info racks and is also available for download here.
A Word from the Elders
The book of Acts gives us a record of how God has accomplished and will accomplish His purpose of saving a people for Himself. Its chapters describe how God’s Word and His Spirit are powerfully alive and active today. The result is that the good news of Jesus Christ spreads across cities, countries, and continents. People from the ends of the earth are saved and God’s church is built. Acts 13:47 says, “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’” We can have no greater hope than to join in the spread of the gospel that began in Acts and continues to the present day. As we look back at the past year, we thank God for His faithful work and we remain committed to seeing unbelieving people become committed followers of Jesus Christ.
We are grateful that God has blessed the preaching of His Word and the witness of His people. Each one of us is sent into a local mission field each week where there is great opportunity to share Christ with a world desperately in need. In 2016, Parkside saw many individuals and families join our church and we were thrilled to see people being baptized each month. We are thankful to God who faithfully provided the increase. Both our Missionary-In-Training program and our Pastoral Internship program continue to be a pipeline for godly men to be sent out to preach the Good News and to shepherd God’s people.
We thank God for the faithful work being done at Parkside Church Westside, Parkside Church Lake County, and Parkside Church Green. Westside is grateful for the doors of opportunity that continue to open in the community of Lakewood. Green is in the midst of actively pursuing increased reach into the community through sports camps and Christian counseling. Lake County celebrates their fifth year and asks you to pray as they anticipate being in their own permanent facility in 2018. Parkside Church remains committed to raising up and sending out pastors to plant and revive churches.
Lastly, we marvel at God’s work globally. God opened doors all across South America for the pastoral training that happens through Equipping Servants International (ESI). Translation work of an entire Bible nears completion for the Quechua people of Peru. Our mission family grew on the new foundations built in Japan and Uruguay. The fields are truly ripe for the harvest and God in His kindness continues to bless the work of global missions through Parkside Church.
Our hearts are full of thankfulness that the past year provides many evidences of the Lord at work. The good news of Jesus Christ is not something we can keep to ourselves. We must share it with our spouse, our children, our family, our friends, our colleagues, our community, and our world. Acts 1:8 reminds us, “...you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” We pray that God will grant us grace and boldness to share the gospel and to make disciples wherever we have been placed by God.
In Christ,
Tom Piazza