Parkside News
Devoting Time to Prayer
As a church, we are all familiar with the prayers that take place regularly throughout our Sunday worship services; however, it is Parkside’s desire to be more intentional about praying together as a church family.
As C.H. Spurgeon notes, “We shall never see much change for the better in our churches in general till the prayer meeting occupies a higher place in the esteem of Christians.” The pastors and elders of Parkside Church wholeheartedly agree with these words. God is the sovereign ruler of time and space. Nothing escapes the Lord’s notice or care. We do not pray to a God who passively hopes for the best. We pray to the God who actively allows and ordains what is truly best according to His unfolding plan. In matters great and small, our dependence upon God is declared through our commitment to prayer.
To that end, we invite and encourage you to join us for this new endeavor on the third Sunday of each month. In this evening prayer service, we will ask God to teach us how to pray, seek a greater commitment to prayer, and together, worship Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Please join us this Sunday, January 20, at 6pm for a time of worship and reflection on God’s Word, with the majority of our service devoted to prayer. Please note that we will be gathering in the Commons instead of our regular service in the Auditorium.