Parkside News
Serving One Another...Connecting Generations
Location: The Venue
Start Time: Sat 9, March 2019, noon
End Time: Sat 9, March 2019, 1 p.m.
Serving One Another...Connecting Generations
The Sojourners/GEO Kidz Pancake Breakfast
Sallie and Bob Newcomb have attended every pancake breakfast since they began in 2011, but not because they have a particular love of pancakes. "We all love a good breakfast," says Sallie, "but it's about the kids. You have to be there to see it!"
Before you can even get in the door, you are being served. Sallie describes a small army of welcomers waiting at the entrance to hold open doors and greet guests. More kids escort people to their seats and offer them beverages while they wait as parents are busy in the kitchen flipping pancakes and frying bacon. All the while, our young hosts and hostesses remain vigilant throughout the morning to make sure that no need goes unnoticed. According to Sallie, "you hardly have the chance to desire anything! All the kids have the best manners and you can see how eager they are to serve, even the shy ones. It's fun and our job is to receive their gifts of service and to encourage them."
GEO stands for Growth, Encouragement, and Outreach, and one of the goals for this ministry is to provide ways for children to meaningfully serve others in our church and in the community. This event is one of several "Service Saturdays" that provides an opportunity for kids to share the love of Christ. By hosting this breakfast for our older adults at Parkside, GEO Kidz also connects the two generations through service and a fun event. "As kids begin to recognize us [from attending these breakfasts], we become a familiar face and a friend in another age group," says Sallie, who also enjoys seeing how the parents are involved and what the GEO Kidz ministry is all about.
"The children are involved in every aspect of the pancake breakfast [from start to finish]," explains Kelly Coy, director of Children's Ministries. "Our prayer for this event is for our guests to leave having had a good breakfast and enjoyed wonderful care and engagement with our children and families."
If you are an older adult, you are invited to the Sojourners/GEO Kidz Pancake Breakfast on March 9 at 9am in the Venue. Breakfast is usually served between 9:10-9:45am with a brief program by our children before we conclude the morning. The breakfast is free and we ask that you RSVP to Renee Pecek by March 7 if you plan to attend.