Parkside News
Volunteer to Serve at Basics
Every spring, Parkside hosts Basics, a three-day conference for pastors and Christian workers with the goal to encourage and equip these men to do the basics of Christian ministry well. Given the unique responsibilities and challenges of life in ministry, we also hope that God might use the conference to refresh and renew them for further gospel work.
As we begin to prepare for the more than 1,000 men who will be attending Basics, we hope you'll consider serving with us as we aim to provide a warm and welcoming experience for these visitors. Volunteers are needed to pray, serve food, host pastors, and help with set up.
If you can help, or want to learn more, contact the team leaders below for more information.
Host Families: If you live near Parkside and would be willing to serve as a host home for visiting pastors, please contact Denise Donndelinger at basicshostfamilies@yahoo.com.
Food Service Volunteers: Servers help set and clear tables, serve food at the buffet stations, and fill drinks. Older students (Grades 7-12 and College-age) are to encouraged to volunteer. Serving opportunities are available in the late afternoons and evenings to accommodate school schedules. If you'd like to join this team, please contact Cheryl Thompson at cherthompson818@gmail.com.
Prayer Team: Help pray for the many different aspects and needs of the conference. Volunteers will receive a prayer guide once a week via e-mail. Contact Gail Davis at gail.davis28@yahoo.com.
Set-up Volunteers: We need people who can help move tables, chairs, and more. We will meet after the 11:15am service on May 5. We'll provide lunch; you provide the muscle! Contact Jeff Mackey at jmackey@parksidechurch.com to sign up.