Parkside News
Recent Blogposts
Meet Parkside's Pastoral Residents
Beginning a new job in a new place during a pandemic can be overwhelming, but for Parkside’s four new residents, it has allowed them an inside look to how a church makes decisions. “When we began in August, all the ministries were starting up and trying to figure out how the church is going to do that with COVID precautions,” Peter Lindia said. “It was cool to get to watch and see how they’re making decisions.”
The precautions have made it difficult to get acquainted though. “As far as ministry right now, it’s limited a lot of the kind of the human normalcy of ministry of getting together and being comfortable with each other. There’s always potential worries or scares there,” said Zachary Mashburn. Regardless, each resident is finding their place.
Communion Service-October 18
We invite you to join us this Sunday at 6pm for our evening service with communion. There will be tables outside the Auditorium where you can pick up pre-packaged elements as you enter. If you are gluten free, please bring your own bread.