Parkside News
Easter Book Recommendations
As Easter Sunday approaches, we encourage you to take time for personal reflection or family discussion to consider the events and meaning surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here are three resources we recommend to help you look at Easter with a fresh perspective:
Mission Accomplished, by Scott James
Starting on Palm Sunday, spend two weeks walking in time with Jesus as he finished the work his Father had given him. Extending your devotional time into the week beyond Easter Sunday will encourage your family to follow the risen Jesus as he calls his disciples on a Spirit-filled mission to spread the good news to all nations. Each devotion takes just ten minutes and is suitable for all ages of children.
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The Cross in Four Words, by Kevin DeYoung, Richard Coekin, and Yannick Christos-Wahab
Freedom, forgiveness, justice, and purpose. We long for them in our lives and in the world. The cross delivers them! Yet sometimes we are so familiar with the cross that it loses its impact on us.
This foundational book looks at passages from both the Old and New Testaments to sum up the victory of the cross in four words: freedom, forgiveness, justice, and purpose, and what that means for us personally.
Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter, by Timothy Keller
For Jesus' devoted followers, nothing could prepare them for the moment they met the resurrected Jesus. All of them physically saw him and yet did not spiritually truly see him. It was only when Jesus reached out and invited them to see who he truly was that their eyes were open. Here the central message of the Christian faith is revealed...with unshakable belief, piercing insight, and a profound new way to look at a story you think you know.
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These resources are available at Books by the Park or through your favorite bookseller. Book description excerpts courtesy of the publisher.