Parkside News
What's the latest with the Parkside Heights church plant?
While finding a physical location for Sunday morning service has proved more challenging than Dan Southam, lead pastor of the church plant, expected, God has already been drawing together a community of people through planning meetings and the start of Community Groups.
The decision to pursue a plant in the Heights began with a map of where Parkside members live. As Dan researched, he discovered that there was a large concentration of members in Cleveland Heights, University Heights, Shaker Heights, and Beachwood who would be well-served by having a nearby Parkside church plant.
For Brian Casselberry and his wife, Amy, residents of Cleveland Heights and part of the Heights core team, it has been exciting to see how God continues to build His church locally. “The book of Acts has come alive to me,” said Amy. She shared how giftings in music, childcare, or simply faithfulness, as in showing up and being willing, have all been integral to the process of planting a church and knitting together the people of the church.
Peter Lindia, former pastoral resident who is working with Dan as a pastoral assistant with the church plant, agrees. “God is providing what we don’t even think to pray for,” he said. “I care a lot about this, but God cares about this so much more than I do. God cares about His people.”
Dan and Peter have both been finding their efforts profoundly shaped by Colossians 1:28-29. “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all His energy that He powerfully works within me.” As they continue to work through the many details of starting the church plant, it has been an opportunity for them to trust in the Lord’s provision, particularly as they search for a place to meet on Sunday mornings. “We just have to say, God I need your help with this,” shared Dan.
How You Can Pray
Please continue to pray for God to strengthen the community of the Parkside Heights plant as they meet every other week. Pray for the Lord to continue providing people to do the work of ministry. Pray for a location to be provided so that Sunday morning services can begin soon. Pray that this new church would love God and His Word deeply as they build His kingdom in the Heights community.