Parkside News
2020 Annual Report and 2021 Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting and Report
We invite each member and attender to join us on November 21 at 6pm for our Annual Meeting during the evening service. This meeting fulfills our legal requirement as a non-profit organization in the state of Ohio and there will be a brief statement of the financial report. The 2020 annual report is available in the info racks and is also available for download here.
A Word From the Elders
We see in the book of Acts the pattern of the early church to gather together and report all the things that God has done. This annual report and the annual meeting are two of our opportunities to report some of what God has done through Parkside Church in 2020.
As you read through this report, know that we thank God for you and your partnership in the Gospel, recognizing God’s grace in the faithful support of your prayers, participation in the body, and giving. Please continue to earnestly pray for God to help each of us grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and as His disciples, so that we can go and make disciples.
We are all aware that 2020 was an unusual year with many challenges due to COVID-19. BUT GOD continued to provide His resources for His work in spite of these unprecedented circumstances. In view of all this, the elders remain deeply committed to our Gospel mission: locally, regionally, and globally.
Locally, God continues to bless the preaching of His word and the witness of His people. Every believer at Parkside is being equipped and sent into our local mission field where we have a different but equal opportunity to share Christ with the people around us. In 2020, we saw many individuals and families come to faith in Christ, join our membership at Parkside, and be baptized. We thank God, who faithfully provided the increase. In addition, through our missionariesin-training (MIT) and our pastoral residency ministries, God continues to identify, equip, and mobilize godly men to become future leaders in God’s church to shepherd God’s people.
Regionally, 2020 opened a new door for a church plant for Parkside as we began the process of asking God to provide for the next church plant in the University Circle area of Cleveland. As I write this letter, God is graciously guiding this new church plant effort. God continues to do abundantly more than we can hope or ask through our church plants in: Green (Parkside Green), Lake County (Shoreline), and Lakewood (Parkside Church Westside). Please continue to pray for our new church plant as it unfolds in University Circle along with the other three plants so together, we can see unbelieving people become committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Globally, it is amazing to see what God is doing to open doors for the Gospel in Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East. The translation of God’s Word continues to expand among the Quechua people in Peru and the Mam people of Guatemala. The ministry of ESI continues to move forward in training pastors and church leaders in 14 countries to learn and live and teach God’s word. Again, your prayers are essential to what God is doing. Please continue to pray for God’s guidance and provision for the days that are before us.
As we look back to 2020 in thanksgiving for all that God has done, we also look to the future with Christ-confidence that the best is yet to come. We thank God for all of you and for how God has used each one of you in all that He has done in 2020 and “together straining on to what lies ahead pressing on toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14).
Your brother in Christ,
Eric Snyder