Parkside News
An Update from E & J
So much has happened since our last letter. We were commissioned and sent out by you in August 2020. However, because of border closures due to the pandemic, we could not go to our country of service. So, we spent a year learning our specific dialect of Arabic in Kansas with some teammates. At last, we were able to come to our country of service where we have been for about seven months now. Most of our time is taken up with studying Arabic. J has a language tutor come to the apartment five days a week. Another lady also comes to play with the kids and hold down the fort while J studies. The kids are starting to pick up some Arabic from her too! E walks to an office where he has four hours of lessons in the morning and then studies after lunch for a couple hours. We are both making good progress in our language studies.
It is exciting to discover that we are able to communicate better. Growing interactions with our neighbors has been especially rewarding. We look forward to the day when we can have deep conversations about the Truth.
As we chip away at learning Arabic and as you stand with us, it is important to remember what our goal is:
"To glorify God by obeying Him in order to see a sustainable, reproducing movement of maturing, Bible-believing and Bible-obeying local churches among the 'C' [initial only for security purposes]. This is done as a team, in partnership with 'C' believers and the national church."
"C" is a nickname for a minority group in North Africa that we are focused on reaching. The "C' have no churches and the Bible has yet to be translated into their language. Arabic will be the bridge to the "C" people and common ground to use when we start learning their language.
We have been amazed to see God's loving-kindness and provision for us. Here are just a few highlights:
- God's providential detour to Kansas City gave us a foundation in the local language that has made adapting to life here relatively easy and straightforward.
- God provided a wonderful apartment in a quiet neighborhood with lots of community. It didn't take long for some neighbors to invite us over for dinner.
- Our language learning has continued to progress and we have been encouraged by occasional moments where we are able to notice new abilities. It has been especially rewarding to begin to have some spiritual conversations with our friends.
- God has given us supportive teammates here in North Africa to cheer us on and help us.
- God has given us a wonderful partnership with YOU as you stand with us and labor with us in your prayer, encouragement, and giving.
- God has held us in his hands and continues to remind us of his great love for us in Jesus.
Thank you so much for praying for our family. Ask that God would use our efforts to glorify the name of Jesus among people who have never heard.