Parkside News
Get to Know our Pastoral Residents - Class of 2024
If you attended our most recent outdoor service, you will have been introduced to our three new pastoral residents: Isaac Shaw, Cameron Cronk, and Jordan Aho. Each year, we welcome a new class of residents who have the opportunity to practice biblical teaching in a variety of ministry settings, observe and assist in the leadership of adult and youth ministries, and participate in our pastoral staff meetings, general church functions, and more. You can get to know each of them a little further here, and as you see them around Parkside, please be sure to say hello!
Isaac Shaw was born and raised in New Delhi, India. He grew up in the church and was saved at an early age. After coming to the United States for college, he graduated last summer with a Master of Divinity from Cedarville University. Isaac is hoping to learn how to faithfully serve and minister in the local church, strengthen his convictions about ministry, God, and his Word, and grow in his ability to teach, lead, and shepherd.
Isaac learned about the residency program through Parkside’s partnering with his family’s ministry in India. Isaac also attended the Basics Conference a few times and interned at Parkside last summer.
Book He Is Currently Reading: Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, which is about discipleship and what it means to live together in Christian community.
Best Book He’s Read This Year: How People Change by Timothy Lane & Paul Tripp, which is about counseling and how the Lord works to change our hearts.
How You Can Pray For Him:
- Pray that he would grow in his relationship with the Lord and his love for the church.
- Pray for wisdom in navigating what next year will look like and where the Lord wants him to be.
- Pray for his family and their ministry back in India—for faithfulness to and faithfulness from the Lord.
Cameron Cronk is originally from north of Philadelphia in a small town called Quakertown. He was part of his youth group in high school, where the pastor of that group challenged him to take his faith seriously. That pastor would go on to disciple and mentor Cameron, which in turn, inspired him to want to share the gospel and disciple others. He's hopeful that this year at Parkside will give him a better understanding of where and how God can use him for his glory, as well as practicing the many parts of pastoral ministry: preaching, study, counseling, shepherding, etc.
Cameron learned about Parkside’s residency program while earning a degree in Youth and Family Ministry at Cairn University. One of his professors encouraged him to pursue this unique opportunity.
Book He Is Currently Reading: Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy by Mark Vroegop
Best Book He’s Read This Year: Counterfeit God by Timothy Keller
How You Can Pray For Him:
- Pray for a constant and continuous growing knowledge of God.
- Pray for guidance as to where he may be best used for the Kingdom.
- Pray for continued growth in the skills necessary for leadership.
- Pray for him as he is away from home and family.
Jordan Aho comes to us from a small town in Western New York called Geneseo. After being invited by a friend to come to church, he committed himself to Christ at a young age and was baptized not long after. Jordan attended and graduated from Elim Bible Institute and College, and he and his wife, Richelle, were married this past summer. He's hoping to learn how to better study and present Scripture in a transformative manner, while learning from the pastors at Parkside as they learn from Christ.
Jordan learned about Parkside’s residency program while searching for where God might be leading him after graduation. He is thankful for the opportunity to continue his education while remaining in the context of the local church.
Book He Is Currently Reading: How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler & Charles van Doren
Best Book He’s Read This Year: A Tender Lion: The Life, Ministry, and Message of J.C. Ryle by Bennett Wade Rogers
How You Can Pray For Him:
- Pray for him and his wife as they adjust to married life and moving to another state.
- Pray that he would grow in wisdom and understanding in God’s Word.