Parkside News

Parkside News

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  • An Update from Parkside Kent - Fall 2024

    The Theodore Roosevelt High School auditorium has hosted countless school plays, concerts, and ceremonies. Its red chairs, red curtain, and high ceiling could belong to any high school. On September 22, instruments and a podium sat on the stage as they had at concerts and pep rallies. But because of God’s wonderful power and provision, the very ordinary gathering that Sunday was unlike any other in recent years as Parkside Kent’s congregation came together for the first time.

    For Jon Cameron, lead pastor, this journey started as the Lord confirmed the calling to plant a church through the encouragement and wisdom of godly men and women. With each step—settling on a location south of Parkside, finding a group of core people committed to helping plant the church, and adding to the team, Jordan Aho, pastoral assistant, God began to reveal his plans to plant a church in Kent.