Parkside News

Parkside News

Recent Blogposts

  • Meet the Newest Parkside Team Members

    JP Hendrick joined the Parkside team in August of this year as an accountant. JP is from North Carolina and lives in Copley where he attends Parkside Green with his wife, Debbie.

    Dave Carson has been with the Parkside accounting team since February of 2022. Dave is an Ohio native, lives in Sagamore Hills, and prior to joining our team worked in real estate law.

    Carla Carlos has a background in education with a specialty in teaching dyslexic children. She joined our team in the spring of 2022. She has four adult children and three grandchildren.

    Allie Mach has been attending Parkside since she was a year old! She has been involved in Parkside's student ministry for a number of years before joining our team full-time as an administrative assistant in February of 2022.

    Sirisha Kolli joined our team in April of 2022 as our database administrator. Originally from southern India, she now lives in Aurora, and she and her husband have two children.

    Renee joined the Parkside team in January 2022 after working for Truth For Life in Customer Service. She is a Cleveland State University graduate, and she and her husband Colin live in Twinsburg.

    Jennifer Holshuer (not pictured), has been a part of our cafe operations for a number of years and has recently taken on the role of cafe manager. She and her family live in Solon.



  • Fall 2022 Care and Support Groups

    Parkside’s support groups are designed to provide a place to process difficult situations with a community of people and offer sound biblical teaching as you face these challenges. Most of our support groups are open to both Parkside and the public, and all groups are free of charge. 

    We invite you to find a group that matches your unique circumstances, and join us as we learn, grow, and encourage one another.


  • Summer at Parkside

    Summer is a special time of year at Parkside–a time to connect with others, serve our community, and grow in your faith, all while enjoying the beauty of God’s creation. With the return of our outdoor evening services, Vacation Bible Camp, cookouts, camping, and more, there will be fun and meaningful events for all ages.  

  • Basics Conference: Pray and Watch Live

    Two Ways to Take Part in Basics 2022

    We are looking forward to welcoming pastors from all over the country for our Basics Conference next week! Alistair Begg will be joined by special guests Tony Merida, from Imago Dei Church in North Carolina, and John Woodhouse, the former principal of Moore Theological College in Australia. Back to Basics, our conference theme for 2022, is fitting after a two-year hiatus, and we are grateful to be able to meet once again.

  • An Update from E & J


    So much has happened since our last letter. We were commissioned and sent out by you in August 2020. However, because of border closures due to the pandemic, we could not go to our country of service. So, we spent a year learning our specific dialect of Arabic in Kansas with some teammates. At last, we were able to come to our country of service where we have been for about seven months now.

  • Prayer and Support for Ukraine

    Our prayers are with the people of Ukraine and Russia. We encourage you to be in prayer for them and for this situation.

    Many have been asking how they can help during this time. If you would like to support the Ukrainian people in addition to your regular giving, you can designate your gift by selecting “Ukraine Relief Fund,” online, or by writing “Ukraine Relief” on the memo line of your check. Parkside will direct those funds toward a gospel relief ministry which is working right now within Ukraine to deploy field hospitals and distribute food, and in neighboring countries to assist refugees.

  • Basics Conference Volunteers

    When asked what draws the men to this specific conference, they list three things: 1. the solid biblical preaching; 2. the camaraderie of other men in ministry; and 3. the hospitality they receive from the Parkside Church family.

  • Can You Make and Share a Meal?

    "What a low-key but very impactful way of serving and ministering in the church body, you were truly a blessing to me." —A meals receipient

  • Student Winter Retreats

    Students, are you eager for some winter fun? Time away with friends? Focused time in God's Word? Then join us for our Winter Retreats!

  • Weather Cancellations

    Due to the winter storm, the following events are cancelled this week:

    • Monday, January 17, 2022: Men's Evening Bible Study
    • Tuesday, January 18, 2022: Women's Evening Bible Study
    • Thursday, January 20, 2022: Women's Morning Bible Study