Parkside News
Posts filed under "Ministry Details"
Recent Blogposts
Building into the Next Generation: Building Plans Update
At our annual meeting Alistair updated the congregation on the elders’ current thinking on the plans for Building into the Next Generation. He acknowledged that it has been a prayerful and profitable exercise to have our plans refined. We are seeking to achieve our initial objectives in a different way.
Help Make Parking Smoother
On Sunday Mornings (beginning Oct. 28) the center entrance to the parking lot will be closed. Use the East (right) entrance for arriving and departing to Rt. 306. Use the West (left) entrance for arriving and departing to Rt. 43. Thanks!
Smaller Group Roundup 2011: One Size Does Not Fit All
Let's face it...Parkside is a big church. With almost 3,000 people attending Sunday services, it's easy to feel a little lost in the crowd. How can you make a big place feel smaller? It's easy! Join a smaller group! As we look toward Building into the Next Generation, we believe that developing solid, Christ-centered relationships is an essential building block for growing Parkside's church family.
As fall approaches, our ministries are ready to get back into full swing. We invite you to check one out that's right for you!
Building into the Next Generation: Parking Lot & Site Work Update
The Steps
Starting in July
The Elders have decided to proceed with the expansion of the parking lot and the addition of a parking lot exit to the traffic light at Pettibone Road. We believe that this will help alleviate some parking congestion as well as assist the entry and departures from the lot with a signalized intersection. As a part of the lot expansion some of the underground storm drains and utilities will be relocated as well in part to provide for the drainage capacity in case we decide to expand our building facilities.