
Monthly Prayer Calendar

Prayer Calendar

"Pray also for us..."

So states the apostle Paul in a letter to believers in Colosse, acknowledging a somewhat stunning reality: though the Christians to whom he was writing were separated from him physically, they could nonetheless participate in his ministry! God’s people could join in God’s work of taking the Gospel to those who hadn’t heard it simply by praying for their missionary pastor.

These realities are no less true today. As a church, Parkside has been blessed with the opportunity to support many missionaries scattered around the world, all of whom are seeking to share the Good News of Jesus with people who have yet to hear and believe it. Can we really help them, being thousands of miles and numerous time zones away? According to Paul, yes! The purpose of this missionary prayer calendar is to inform you of what is going on in certain parts of the world, and invite you to participate in the work through prayer.

The format is simple. Each day, you will find a missionary or organization that Parkside supports, along with one of their specific prayer requests. You’ll also find a different country of the world and how you can best be praying for the people there.

Our hope in arranging this is that you’ll know the privilege of participating in the work of the Gospel, which as Paul also tells the Colossians, is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world. We trust that praying for the nations will increase our heart for the world, causing us to increasingly desire and work towards seeing unbelieving people of all nations become committed followers of Christ!

Last Seven Days  [ View Full Month ]

Supported Workers: Goran (& Beth) Tomic, Matt (& Laura) Pheneger, Jon (& Ruthie)
Country: United States of America
Details: Pray for the gathering and tournament in Croatia at the end of February as soccer teams and ministry leaders come from various European countries to play soccer and share the gospel. Pray for Ambassadors staff who are serving in challenging situations. In Mozambique, Daniel shared that the situation has recently escalated to a terrible level with streets, services, borders, and airports closed. People are burning almost everything—cars, properties like private schools, houses, banks, etc. They cannot even buy bread for breakfast because there is no production. Lucasse reports a similar situation in Haiti. Pray for the church in these countries ... more >
Supported Worker: Andrew & Angie James
Country: Uruguay
Details: As mentioned last month, they would like to start a new Equipping Servants International (ESI) group with pastors from different parts of the country in March. Please pray for open doors if it is God’s will for them to start this group. Praise the Lord they are in the final stages of construction work in their new church. They are thankful for its location and outreach potential. Mauritius (Africa). Population: 1,301,978 Believers: 10.1%. This complex, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious society makes evangelism a challenge; pray for great wisdom and discernment among Christians. The Hinduization of government and culture ... more >
Supported Worker: Parkside Green
Country: United States of America
Details: Pray for the Lord to instruct and inspire as Pastor Adam preaches from Galatians. Pray that God will accomplish his purposes through the children and youth ministries and through their adult Bible study on the Gospel of John. Continue to ask the Lord to work through the global partners they support: Dr. Jen Kintner in Dubai, UAE; Brett and Jennifer Wright in Arua, Uganda; and Bryan and Erin Joseph at the Rio Grande Bible Institute and Language School as they prepare to serve in Mazatlán, Mexico. Mauritania (Africa). Population: 4,993,922 Believers: 0.1%. All Mauritanian peoples remain essentially ... more >
Supported Worker: Indigenous Church Planting Organization in Arab & Muslim Countries
Details: Many of their schools are in the process of choosing new students. This process takes great discernment and wisdom from God, so pray for the leaders. Pray for their workers in Syria and Lebanon to have God's wisdom in whether to stay or leave during this uncertain time politically. Pray for their protection from authorities and safety from the violence of the transition. Please pray for their upcoming prayer conference in Cairo and for the USA conference in Columbia, South Carolina, in March. Malta (Europe). Population: 536,740 Believers: 1.3%. The most religious nation in Europe, Malta has ... more >
Supported Worker: The City Mission
Country: United States of America
Details: On January 9, The City Mission celebrated the completion of Rothstein Village Transitional Housing for Families, Cleveland’s first and only transitional housing for women and children. These 16 units will safely house Laura's Home graduates. Transitional Housing is the next step to permanent housing and self-sufficiency, giving mothers and their children the gift of time with an additional 18-24 months of stability. Mothers will have continued access to on-site services. Children will be able to continue in their Pathways youth program and remain in the same schools. Pray that lives touched by the staff and volunteers at Crossroads, Laura ... more >
Supported Worker: Wes & Nancy Collins
Countries: Guatemala, United States of America
Details: Last month, a celebration for the completion of the Old Testament Mam Bible was held in Comitancillo, Guatemala. Praise God for the completion of many years of translation work and that Wes and Nancy were able to attend the celebration. Continue to pray for Byron, Samuel, and others involved in literacy and Bible translation in Guatemala. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors handling Wes’s heart and memory issues. They are thankful that his A-fib seems to be under control with medication. Malaysia (Asia). Population: 34,671,895 Believers: 4.3%. Pray for the less evangelized. The Malaysian Church has ... more >
Supported Worker: Kep & Debbie James in Africa, Europe, and the Americas
Details: Pray for the ILC Church that Kep and Debbie started in Bolivia in 1990, that its leadership will continue honoring Christ by staying true to his Scriptures. In early March, Kep and Debbie will be training Italian pastors in Florence, Italy, to become ESI facilitators. Pray for these pastors as they study Romans 1-3 in preparation for the four days of training. Malawi (Africa). Population: 21,475,962 Believers: 19.6%. Malawi faces serious challenges in the future, such as the combination of poverty, high population growth, and increasing pressure on agricultural land. The grip of poverty hampers development not ... more >