Supported Workers: Edgar (& Lety) Rivera, Neri (& Karina) Rivera
Country: Mexico
Details: Pray that God will continue to give Edgar wisdom in assembling a Mexican Board for the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) work in Mexico. Pray for the three ESI groups that he is leading in Oaxaca and for the Bible study he recently started with two families in the town of San Lucas, which has been closed to the gospel. Pray that God would give Filemon conviction as he deals with family members who don’t want him to study the Bible. Pray that God would open doors for their son, Juan, and his wife, Amy, as they prepare to serve in a closed country. Pray that Neri will have wisdom as he facilitates ESI groups in the state of Chiapas. Pray for continued growth of the church plant. Pray for strength for Neri as he recuperates from chemotherapy treatment last month. Pray that Neri has wisdom to work within his limitations. Pray for healing and for Karina and the family during this difficult time. They are thankful that God provided a car with an automatic transmission and that Karina now has a driver’s license. Republic of China, Taiwan, (Asia). Population: 23,950,214 Believers: 2.8%. Taiwan remains a stronghold of Buddhism and Taiwanese folk religion. Over 90% of Taiwanese follow some combination of Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and traditional religions. Buddhism now grows strongly among educated professionals. Most traditional folk religions have many gods, and people pay offerings to ghosts or seek advice from the spirit world. Taiwan remains the only major Han Chinese population in the world without a significant spiritual breakthrough. Pray that this will change. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and