- Supported Worker: Human Coalition Cleveland (Health for Her)
- Country: United States of America
- Details: Pray for a smooth and successful Holiday Connection project with the women and their families and for many opportunities for them to see Jesus. The clinic continues to be in need of both a sonographer and registered nurse. Pray for the right people to fill those positions. Republic of Congo-ROC (Africa). Population: 6,244,547 Believers: 15.9%. Congo is a land rich in natural resources, but the majority of the population live in or very near to poverty level. Pray for benign government, for wise economic policies, and for justice to prevail in society. The Church needs revival and restoration. Congo has been Christianized—superficially, at least—but never truly converted. Pray for a new move of the Spirit. Churches need to be swept clear of flawed worldviews and false beliefs, and instead filled with the Spirit’s power and led by biblical truth. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org