- Supported Worker: Kep & Debbie James in Africa, Europe, and the Americas
- Details: Pray for the African missionaries they work with in the Egyptian-based training ministry. Pray for these committed men and women as they plant churches in very difficult and resistant communities across North Africa. Pray that the Lord will use them to see a rich harvest for the gospel and that many gospel churches will be planted across the entire region that so desperately needs Jesus. Fiji (Pacific). Population: 943,072 Believers: 25.2%. There are many claims of great revival in Fiji, and there is undeniable fruit of God at work in remarkable ways, as individuals, communities, and even the environment see transformation. Some specific areas that warrant prayer: unity, leadership training for the many churches, and mission vision. Pray for existing missions and for a greater future of Fijian missionary investment. French Guiana (Latin America). Population: 319,796 Believers: 4.5%. The most responsive peoples [to the gospel] are Haitians, Antilleans, Hmong, Amerindian tribal people, Brazilians, and the interior bush tribes (Maroon). Pray for a cooperative spirit among evangelicals and for continued unifying influence, especially among ministers. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org