- Supported Worker: Kep & Debbie James in Africa, Europe, and the Americas
- Details: They thank God for the 40 Liberian pastors they trained last month in Monrovia. The pastors will begin ESI (Equipping Servants International) groups this month. Pray that each participant will experience deep gospel transformation as they study through Romans, meeting weekly to mutually encourage one another in their walk in Christ. Pray that the leadership of the ILC Church Kep and Debbie started in Bolivia in 1990 will continue honoring Christ by staying true to his Scriptures. Kep and Debbie are grateful for the privilege of working together with us in spreading the gospel. Canada (North America). Population: 39,107,046 Believers: 7.7%. One of the world’s leading industrial nations with the lowest public debt of G8 nations, Canada is marked by freedom of religion; however, rapid secularization and pluralization are taking place at every level. The influence of Christianity has seen a long, sustained decline in Canadian society. Pray for a much-needed revival, starting in the church and radiating outward to address the failure of relevance, morals, and theological and spiritual dynamism in the Church. Pray that Canadian Christians would be more concerned with being loving witnesses to the gospel than with political agendas and culture wars. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org