- Supported Worker: Amy Cottle
- Country: Thailand
- Details: Praise the Lord for the good work that continues in Mahasarakham, Thailand. Pray that more Thai people will come to the church plant and come to saving faith. Pray that the team will encourage each other and work well together. Pray that BM, Elle, and past students will grow in faith. With the upcoming Christmas season in Thailand, pray for strength and energy for the team and for many souls to be reached for Christ! Pray that Amy will trust the Lord and his timing in her job search. Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China) (Asia). Population: 7,496,681 Believers: 6.1%. The massive protests of 2019 seem a distant memory as Beijing’s grip on Hong Kong has relentlessly squeezed out all effective opposition to its control. Divisions in the Church over the protests and associated politics need to be healed and believers need to be reconciled. Although the setbacks to Hong Kong’s freedoms can be discouraging, believers in China itself have demonstrated that the flame of the gospel cannot be snuffed out by even the most brutal oppression. May the Church in Hong Kong learn how to be a powerful witness amidst the profound changes it is experiencing. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org