Supported Workers: Goran (& Beth) Tomic, Matt (& Laura) Pheneger, Jon (& Ruthie)
Country: United States of America
Details: Pray for the gathering and tournament in Croatia at the end of February as soccer teams and ministry leaders come from various European countries to play soccer and share the gospel. Pray for Ambassadors staff who are serving in challenging situations. In Mozambique, Daniel shared that the situation has recently escalated to a terrible level with streets, services, borders, and airports closed. People are burning almost everything—cars, properties like private schools, houses, banks, etc. They cannot even buy bread for breakfast because there is no production. Lucasse reports a similar situation in Haiti. Pray for the church in these countries and specifically for Daniel and Lucasse and their families as they seek to be lights in incredibly daunting situations. Mayotte (Africa). Population: 345,996 Believers: 0.1%. Pray for the Muslim majority. Although there is religious freedom and direct, open-air evangelism is permitted, response has been very slow, and most converts have returned to Islam. Pray for a spiritual breakthrough. Federated States of Micronesia (Pacific). Population: 116,300 Believers: 24.3%. Biblical Christianity faces challenges on three fronts. On one front are the traditional cultural elements such as the use of magic and of sakau. Another front is the pull of Western consumerism and the temptation to migrate to the USA. Finally, Mormon missionaries are highly active in Micronesia. Pray for a revelation of the power and love of Jesus to the peoples of Micronesia. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and