- Supported Worker: Scranton Road Bible Church
- Country: United States of America
- Details: Praise God for a great Christmas Store outreach last month. Both their Good News Kids and Youth Group have grown through the year. Pray for them as they make plans to address the logistical challenges created by the growth in these ministries. Pray for the 32 believers who will be baptized and for those who will be welcomed into membership in January. The elders at SRBC are facing difficult decisions. Pray for them as they seek wisdom to navigate these issues. Haiti (Caribbean). Population: 11,867,030 Believers: 16.0%. Pray for the current hunger crisis. Haiti needs godly leaders who will prioritize the good of the nation and address its massive problems. Two centuries of misrule, tyranny, and recent flawed democratic attempts have brough hopelessness and despair. Corruption is rampant, and robberies and kidnappings are commonplace. Pray that men and women may be raised up who will reverse these trends and establish justice, righteousness, and long-term stability. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org