- Supported Worker: Fieldstone Counseling
- Country: United States of America
- Details: As new counseling residents are arriving and other members of their team are departing, pray for these transitions. Also in the plans for 2025 are new seminars and support groups. Pray that those in need will attend these groups, connect with them for care, and find encouragement with lasting hope for life's hardships. Pray that their counselors would be encouraged and strengthened in Christ as they meet with their counselees. Hungary (Europe). Population: 9,994,993 Believers: 2.8%. Hungarians have lost contact with the gospel, despite enjoying a rich theological history. They seek answers in many places: materialism, hedonism, alcohol, and increasingly, false religion. Postmodern mentalities predominate. Pray for all falsehoods and empty philosophies to be exposed as such and for Christ to be exalted as the truth in this historically Christian nation. Pray that Hungarians might see the truth of the gospel and the freedom it beings through Jesus. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org