Supported Workers: Edgar (& Lety) Rivera, Neri (& Karina) Rivera
Country: Mexico
Details: Pray that God will continue to give Edgar wisdom in assembling a Mexican Board for the MAF work in Mexico. Pray for the two ESI groups that he is leading in Oaxaca and for a new group forming in Ensenada. Pray for the Bible study he recently started with two families in the town of San Lucas. Pray that God would give Filemon conviction as he deals with family members who don’t want him to study the Bible. Pray that God would open doors for their son, Juan, and his wife, Amy, as they prepare to serve in a closed country. Pray that Neri will have wisdom as he facilitates ESI groups in the state of Chiapas. Pray for continued growth of the church plant. The issues with the foundation of the new church building have been resolved and the roof will be installed soon. Pray for strength for Neri as he continues treatment for lymphoma and for wisdom to work within his physical limitations. Pray for healing for Neri and for extra strength for Karina during this difficult time. Italy (Europe). Population: 58,697,744, Believers: 1.1%. The challenge of Christian leadership in Italy remains urgent, since lack of mature, qualified, and gifted lay leaders persists. Academic and pastoral training are needed, but finance, time, and lack of vision limit opportunities. Pray that the various means of training would bolster pastoral leadership across the nation and, in turn, uplift and disciple the whole Church to entirely new levels of maturity. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and