- Supported Worker: Johannes (& Mathapelo) Thaele
- Country: South Africa
- Details: The schools reopened from summer break on January 15. Pray for God to prepare the hearts of children to accept the message of salvation and for new learners to hunger for his words. With the help from the funds provided by the children at Parkside’s Vacation Bible Camp in 2024, they have opened a new building for church. They have about 50 new members. Pray for the lost to come to this new facility, find saving faith, and then serve God. Jamaica (Caribbean). Population: 2,824,738, Believers: 28.0%. Jamaica has a wonderful Christian heritage, with a rich history of sending missionaries. It has the most evangelicals and the best-resourced churches in the Caribbean. The Bible Society (Kingston) provides Bibles to most mini-states of the region with a special vision for young people. Pray that the 15 Bible schools and seminaries, and the Keswick teaching conferences may be strongholds of biblical theology, godly lifestyle, and mission sending for the Caribbean. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org