- Supported Worker: Shoreline Church
- Country: United States of America
- Details: Shoreline is thankful for another full year of ministry in 2024. Pray for them as they finish up their sermon series in Exodus. Pray for the students involved in the children and youth ministries as school starts back and the regular life patterns return. Thank God for the work taking place in their adult ministries. As their Bible studies start meeting again, pray they will continue to be a place of spiritual growth and friendship. Pray for those who are in the process of becoming members. Praise the Lord that Youth for Christ of Greater Cleveland saw 44 young people start a relationship with Christ through their outreaches in jails, schools, deaf ministry, and their urban teen center. Please pray for the process of getting these students into local churches and Bible studies. Japan (Asia). Population: 122,631,432 Believers: 0.5%. Spiritual powers and principalities in Japan hinder the gospel. The powers associated with idolatry in temples and ancestor worship in homes remain strong. Many Japanese claim no religion, but actually follow some rituals of Buddhism and Shintoism. Even the idea of a Creator God is foreign to the Japanese worldview. Many new religions get started in Japan each year, often based on Buddhism, but also on the occult, the worship of extra-terrestrial aliens, and other strange ideas. Ask God to remove the spirit of delusion! From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org