- Supported Worker: Kep & Debbie James in Africa, Europe, and the Americas
- Details: March 11-14, Pastors Mickey Aquilino and Dan Larison and their wives will accompany Kep and Debbie to Florence, Italy, to lead an ESI Facilitator training conference. Pray for them and for the pastors as they study Romans 1-3 in preparation for the four days of training. Continue to pray for the leadership of the ILC Church in La Paz, Bolivia. Pray that they will continue to honor Christ by staying true to his Scriptures. Oman (Asia). Population: 4,713,553 Believers: 0.8%. Praise God that Oman enjoys an open and modern society compared to others in the region. All residents may practice their faith, and the government gave land to build places of worship! Pray now for spiritual openness to the gospel among all peoples of Oman. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org