Supported Worker: Wes & Nancy Collins
Countries: Guatemala, United States of America
Details: Praise God for a wonderful celebration of the completion of the Mam Bible in Comitancillo, Guatemala, in January. Over 1,000 Mams were in attendance, including 25 pastors from various denominations. It was a joy for Wes and Nancy to be able to be there. Wes helped with the literacy program and the translation of the New Testament into Mam, which was completed in 1998. He has been a consultant for the OT, but a group of Comitecos took a major part of the work upon themselves to complete! Pray for continued widespread use of the Scriptures, as well as for God to bless the desire of Comi pastors to see the various churches more united and the Scriptures lived out. Some of the Comi leaders will be going to other areas in Guatemala to celebrate more Bible completions in various indigenous languages. To God be the glory, great things he has done! Palestine (Asia). Population: 5,494,963 Believers: 0.1%. The horrific Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023, not only escalated murderous violence in this region, but also provoked deep division on the Israel-Palestine situation globally—not least among Christians. Pray for a just settlement of land issues. There are hundreds of Jewish settlements (including many illegal outposts) in Palestinian territory, and there are over two million Arab Israeli in Israel. Both sides feel strong claims to the land. Both feel aggrieved at past—and very real—injustices. Both Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their exclusive capital. Both believe God is on their side. Pray that the God of all justice will bring true justice and mercy to both Jews and Arabs in the Holy Land. Pray not only for the peace of Jerusalem, but also that both sides meet the Prince of Peace. It is through him alone that any meaningful reconciliation will come. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and