- Supported Worker: Shoreline Church
- Country: United States of America
- Details: They praise the Lord for new committed members to the church body as well as for an influx of new families attending. Recently, they welcomed Matt Pretty as an elder. Pray for him and his young family. Continue praying for the community teams that faithfully meet in local cities every month. Greater Cleveland Area Youth For Christ is thankful that the Juvenile Justice Ministry has had the opportunity to share the gospel with 600+ youth this school year. Pray that these youth will come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for them as they follow-up with the 54 young people who made first-time decisions for Christ this year. Papua New Guinea (Pacific). Population: 10,515,788 Believers: 25.7%. Translation and literacy programs and appropriate Christian literature are fundamental for acculturating the gospel. PNG has over 800 languages, and the majority still do not have a single verse of Scripture. About 210 languages have a NT, but only 12 or so have a complete Bible. Translation teams are needed for 160 languages and possibly for a further 250. Pray for translators, for means of making the arduous task faster and more accurate, and for indigenous translators/language assistants. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org