- Supported Worker: Mike & Joan Ross
- Country: Mexico
- Details: Pray for wisdom regarding the future of the Missions Aviation Fellowship (MAF) work in Mexico and for the best use of the tools God has provided to reach the lost. Praise God for the Parkside dental team and their hard work in La Mesilla. The Jesus Film was shown in the local language while patients and their families waited for attention. About 300 patients were served by the team. Pray that God's Word and the loving care received will cause many to turn to Jesus. Pray that God will bless the work of MAF around the world and bring much spiritual fruit for his kingdom. Paraguay (Latin America). Population: 6,947,270 Believers: 6.1%. Thank the Lord for evangelical church growth. Pray for Christian unity and collaboration among many different evangelical denominations. Pray that local churches will embrace the challenge of the unreached and needy within Paraguay and beyond. Workers planted churches among many of the 21 indigenous Amerindian groups. Pray for the gospel to root and grow in these and the remaining minority groups. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org