- Supported Worker: Kep & Debbie James in Africa, Europe, and the Americas
- Details: Pray for the following ESI leaders serving various peoples around the world: Boris and Marco training Spanish speaking pastors in Virginia and South Florida; Jose leading Spanish speaking pastors in Los Angeles; and Jose Gutierrez working with pastors in Nicaragua. Also pray for the three groups of African pastors meeting weekly in ESI groups in London, for the three new ESI groups meeting in Paris, and for the ESI groups preparing to start in Holland in July. Portugal (Europe). Population: 10,223,349 Believers: 3.0%. Pray for church planting efforts in Portugal. Many more churches are needed. The EA targeted a goal of 4,000 evangelical churches by 2015. Instead, evangelical congregations actually decreased from 1,630 to 964, despite nearly 300 new church plants. 82% of new church plants have congregations with fewer than 25% Portuguese participating. Pray for continued church growth, for affordable and appropriate meeting places, and for leaders for these future churches. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org