- Supported Worker: Parkside Green
- Country: United States of America
- Details: Pray for God to work powerfully though Pastor Adam’s preaching from Galatians and to guide their annual meeting on March 9. Pray for the Lord to accomplish his purposes through their weekly “Kid Connect” program and through the adult Bible study on the Gospel of John. Continue to ask the Lord to work through the global partners they support: Dr. Jen Kintner in Dubai, UAE; Brett and Jennifer Wright in Arua, Uganda; and Bryan and Erin Joseph at the Rio Grande Bible Institute and Language School as they prepare to serve in Mazatlán, Mexico. Niger (Africa). Population: 28,238,972 Believers: 0.1%. The numbers of those who follow Christ increases, but Niger’s high birthrates far outpace Christianity’s growth rate. There is great pressure to remain in—or return to—Islam. New believers feel isolated. Below the radar, movements are forming of Jesus followers who have seen enough of Islam to choose a different path. Pray for those from a Muslim background who have chosen to follow Jesus; may they persevere and remain faithful amidst all the difficulties they will face. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org