Supported Worker: Mark & Patti Bean
Countries: Peru, United States of America
Details: Thank you for praying for Patti’s trip to Peru last month. It was obvious that the timing of this trip was orchestrated by God. A conference had just taken place in a big jungle city that brought many church leaders together. The language group that Patti met with had speakers from both Peru and Brazil, and there were more leaders from that language group than she expected. They had a great conversation about their language, its use, their mission work, and their desire to have all of God’s Word available to them. Patti and Mark are thankful for our prayers as Mark checked through Numbers and 2 Corinthians for two different translation teams. Now he is working on a consultant check of the book of Deuteronomy. As always, prayer for careful attention to detail is needed. Burkina Faso (Africa). Population: 23,840,247 Believers: 8.9%. The spirit world is very real in Burkina Faso, where as the saying goes, the population is “50% Muslim, 20% Christian, and 100% animist.” The power of the occult has yet to be decisively challenged and broken in many peoples of Burkina Faso. Few countries in West Africa are more dominated by idolatry, fetishism, and secret societies. The occult shows its power even in some churches. Pray for the risen Christ to demonstrate his power and set many free. Pray for Christians to demonstrate the power and authority of the name of Jesus and to live out holy, blameless lives in his name. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and