- Supported Worker: Parkside Heights Church
- Country: United States of America
- Details: Thank God and pray for those who were baptized last month and for the start of a small mentoring program for students at John Hay High School. Pray that the volunteers will be salt and light and that the school will be blessed by their involvement. Parkside Heights will be hosting a chili potluck this month. Please pray that all who come will be mutually encouraged in the Lord. As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, volunteers from their church family are making plans to entertain international students from the local universities for Thanksgiving dinner. Pray for them as they share the love of Christ with those far from home. Barbados (Caribbean). Population: 282,309 Believers: 34.2%. Since settlement in 1627, Barbados has been Christian. But despite overwhelming religious profession and a large number of evangelicals, real commitment to the lordship of Jesus is the exception rather than the rule. Pray for the Spirit’s renewal and for the Church in Barbados to reawaken. Belize (Latin America). Population: 416,656 Believers: 18.8%. Most Belizeans profess Christianity, but only 10% of the population attend church regularly. People need to encounter the true gospel in ways that are meaningful and sensitive to their culture. The Spanish-speaking immigrants sometimes mix Truth with superstitions, the Mayans with paganism, and the Garifuna with black magic. Pray for revival and spiritual conviction for any confusion in beliefs. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org