- Supported Worker: Fieldstone Counseling
- Country: United States of America
- Details: Praise the Lord with them for seven years in ministry. They currently have openings for counseling. Pray that those in need would be served by connecting with them through counseling or other training and equipping opportunities. Please continue to pray for their counseling team as they offer Christ-centered care to those who are struggling, and pray for encouragement and growth, empowered by the Holy Spirit, for their counselees. Samoa (Pacific). Population: 228,966 Believers: 18.0%. Samoans have been Christian for over a century, and every village has at least one church. But the traditional class structure and pre-Christian cultural standards were not necessarily transformed by the gospel. Pride and politics influence church life too much, and the financial demands on a poorer population are heavy. San Marino (Europe). Population: 33,614 Believers: <0.1%. The Sammarinese are Catholic by tradition and culture, but few practice their faith. San Marino calls itself the “Ancient Land of Liberty,” and people have freedom to worship. But evangelism hardly exists. Past outreach by evangelicals resulted in jail or expulsion from the country, so no churches or ministries currently evangelize here. Pray for a new season of true spiritual liberty. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org