- Supported Worker: Kep & Debbie James in Africa, Latin America, & the United States
- Details: Kep and Debbie continue to receive encouraging news from the African students they mentored through the book of Romans earlier this year in Mali and Senegal. These students are now working in small teams in challenging Muslim communities. Pray they will continue to study the Bible daily and then, with the Lord’s guidance, boldly make Christ known as they plant solid, gospel-centered churches in hostile environments. Pray for the ILC Church that Kep and Debbie planted in La Paz, Bolivia, in 1990. Pray that its leadership will continue to honor Christ by staying true to his Scriptures, leading the church with integrity and faithfulness. Spain (Europe). Population: 47,473,373 Believers: 1.0%. Few churches can afford to pay for a full-time pastor, let alone a team of them. As a result, churches must use bi-vocational pastors or be entrusted to full-time foreign missionaries, who end up pastoring instead of church planting. There are at least 15 seminaries and Bible schools. Some newer, larger churches provide in-house leadership and theological training. Pray that these schools would be filled with young Spanish future leaders, shaped by solid instruction in the Word of God. From Operation World DVD-ROM 2010 and www.operationworld.org