The Bean Family
November-December 2024 Beans'Talk
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The opposite of slowing down
For several years now, there have been conversations about starting another Bible translation project for four Quechua languages in the central Peruvian Andes. It would include two languages with New Testaments and two others that don’t have any Scripture at all.
Nothing appeared to come of these conversations. The deadline had passed for new projects to start this fiscal year, so we thought that once again nothing was going to happen.
Then, the first week of November word came that indeed a project had been approved for these four Quechua languages. In fact, they will begin working together November 18th.
Two of our Quechua colleagues who worked with Mark to translate Bibles into their own Quechua will lead and administer this project. Mark, working from the States, will have a key role to play.
What’s involved?
Although this is wonderful news, it is a huge undertaking, with the goal of finishing four complete Bibles in twelve years. Mark will use computer programs to generate rough drafts for each team. To do this, he must learn the intricacies that distinguish each of these Quechua languages from one other. Then he must write rules so the computer will know how to adapt from the source text* to each target text. That’s a time-consuming process that will be refined chapter by chapter as he sees the changes that each team makes. In addition, he will make a detailed check of the participants’ work to ensure that their final product is a faithful translation. [*Note: The source text will be one of the Quechua Bibles that Mark and the team finished in 2019.]
Mark recently checked and approved the last NT book for the Sihuas Quechua team. They are now preparing the NT for publication. So, that’s off his plate.
He continues to be in the thick of daily checking OT books for the Panao Quechua team. Keeping up with them keeps him busy. They plan to finish their translation work in 2032. Now, adding this new project, Mark will have his work cut out for him for many years to come!
On his knees
Mark has knobby knees. He doesn’t usually get down on them. But the day the news came about this new project, he got on his knees to take his concerns to God and ask for help. Mark loves this kind of work. But it can feel daunting at the start of such a big project. Thankfully, God’s bigger!
Mini report from Australia
What a blessing to be able to help our daughter’s family. Lots of work! Lots of fun!
Week by week Emily continues to improve. Picking up little Addie is still off limits, but there is a lot she can do. She can stand at the sink to wash her hands. She can do small tasks at the kitchen counter. By the end of my stay, she had walked to church without crutches. She can step on and off the bus without crutches. She started driving. Her recovery might not be fast, but we trust she will continue to steadily improve.
In the end, Mark didn’t join me in Australia. It didn’t seem wise for him to make the trip with his compromised immune system. Not only is he dealing with a months-long nagging cough, but the grandkids share a seemingly perpetual runny nose. At just over 5 weeks, it was our longest separation.
Praise and Prayer Requests
• Praise God for meaningful work in Bible translation that fills our days. Pray that Mark will keep a healthy life balance as this new project takes off.
• Pray for continued progress towards health and healing for grandson Jeremiah.
• Praise for the intermittent help Emily and Blake’s local church and colleagues continue to provide. Continue to pray for both Emily and Blake as she heals, and Blake does so much to care for the family.
Thank you for your partnership with us. As we enter this holiday season may your hearts overflow with thanksgiving and may you long for the second Advent when Jesus returns!
Mark & Patti