The Collins Family

The Collins Family

Recent Blogposts

  • Wes & Nancy July 2023 Prayer Request

    Pray for our ministry partner Byron Témaj and his team in Guatemala as they deal with lots of churches and institutions to promote the Mam New Testament and the preaching of the gospel in the local native language. May Mam catch on as a culrtural value, and may the words of the New Testament have rich and deep meaning for the Mam people.

  • Wes & Nancy June 2023 Prayer Request

    Pray for missionaries’ spiritual lives. It can be a challenge to keep the main thing the main thing, especially when Christians are sparse. May God be honored in the cultures of those we’re called to serve.

  • Wes & Nancy May 2023 Prayer Request

    Overseas ministry often requires the sharing of resources--like housing, study materials, books, technology and basic life issues and shared space. Pray that God gets the glory and thanks for such help while missionaries learn what they need for long term service. Thanks to Parkside for decades of this kind of support for many missionaries and missionary families.



    Wes, and for Nancy

  • Wes & Nancy April 2023 Prayer Request

    I just heard from our Mam colleague, Byron. He spends much of his time training people to be involved with literacy, broadcasting, and writing—along with Bible translation. Pray for the relevance of these, especially to students and seniors.

    Thank you.


  • Wes & Nancy March 2023 Prayer Request

    Please pray for Nancy’s family, that God would comfort them in their loss of Nancy’s mother, Juanita Hinerman, on Valentine's Day. She was 94 years old.

  • Wes & Nancy February 2023 Prayer Request

    Thank God for funding for ministry from multiple sources. We are grateful for those who give from sources in “the West.” We are also grateful for the Mam Indians who help fund teachers and for materials produced and purchased by the Mam themselves.

    A special thank you to Parkside for your partnership in ministry.

    Thanks so much.

    Wes and Nancy

  • Wes & Nancy January 2023 Prayer Requests

    It’s hard to imagine what it would be like to live in a failed state. People in Haiti and Venezuela are starving. Please pray for institutions and governments to care for their citizens, especially the very young and very old. Some of those suffering today in the Americas are former students and ongoing friends of the Collinses.


  • Wes & Nancy December 2022 Prayer Requests

    Praise God that the Mam Indians among whom the Collinses work are helping to fund some of their own pastors and ministries. This is an important step forward for the local Church.




  • Wes & Nancy November 2022 Prayer Requests

    Greetings from lovely North Carolina. Here is our latest prayer request.

    Thanks for praying for Wes working on his book on reading and writing Mam. As I get nearer the end,the process slows down—at least for me. Pray that editing goes well.




  • Wes & Nancy October 2022 Prayer Requests

    Pray for the Mam to be committed to the Gospel: reading the Scriptures, enjoying Mam-language music and hearing local testimonies of the faithfulness of God.

    Thanks to all of Parkside for your faithfulness in prayer.

