The Harrington Family

The Harrington Family

Recent Blogposts

  • Chris & Leanne March 2025 Prayer Requests

    In March, a group of young people and church members, led by our pastor Yukimasa, will be coming to Cleveland. The purpose of the trip is to go deeper into a relationship through a shared experience. The group will meet to learn about America leading up to the trip. And since they will be staying in Christian homes, they will spend time learning what Christians believe.


    The Lord has used trips like this in the past to open hearts to the gospel. One of the chaperones for the trip came to Christ after being part of a past trip. The trip is part of many years of connection with these students through the SBBC (Shiogama Bible Baptist Church) youth ministry and English classes.


    Please pray for the group as they prepare for the trip and travel here to Cleveland. May the Lord use this trip for his glory in their lives. Also, pray for our host families here in Cleveland. May the Lord's love shine through their love and care for the students and chaperones living with them for a week.



  • Japan Team Hosting Q & A

    Have questions regarding hosting Japanese students in March? Can't host but would still like to help out? Come to a brief time of Q&A with Chris and Leanne Harrington.

    There are two times available:

    *Sunday, January 26, 11:45am, Room B210

    *Sunday, February 2, 11:45am, Missions Tables, located in the hallway outside the Venue.

  • Chris & Leanne February 2025 Prayer Requests

    Please continue to pray for a reverse mission trip our Parkside church family can participate in next month. Some of our English class students and church youth will be coming to Cleveland for a Homestay. There will be thirteen people coming, including the chaperones. The trip will include staying with host families (Parkside church families) and a tour of the greater Cleveland area.


    Our church in Japan uses this once-a-year trip to grow deeper in relationships and have a chance to share the gospel with these kids and their families more directly. To prepare to come and stay with host families, our pastor will, over two months, share with the kids and their parents what Christians believe. It is an excellent opportunity for the gospel. Please pray for the participants and their families that the Lord would open their hearts to the gospel.


    We are so thankful for this opportunity for our Parkside family to join our church family in Japan and minister in this way.

  • Chris & Leanne January 2025 Prayer Requests

    The group coming to Cleveland from our community in Japan have purchased their tickets. In the preparation meetings leading up to their trip at the end of March, our pastor, Yukimasa, will be leading the group and their families through an overview of the gospel. This whole trip experience is a huge opportunity for sharing the gospel and for the group members to really have their hearts opened to it. Please join us in praying for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the participants and their families. Please also be praying for the planning and preparations on our side of things here in Cleveland.


    Our field, Japan, has been lead faithfully by Paul Suzuki for 12 years. He is desiring to step away from leadership and pass the baton on to the next generation. Please be praying for Chris as this January, the missionaries of SEND Japan vote on whether or not to confirm him as the new area director of SEND Japan. This would bring new opportunities to share in and encourage the ministries around the country. We ask for prayer for all of SEND Japan during this time of transition.

  • Chris & Leanne December 2024 Prayer Requests

    Please pray for a reverse mission trip our Parkside church family can participate in in March 2025. A group of our English class students and church youth will be coming to Cleveland for a Homestay. It includes staying with host families (Parkside church families) and getting to tour the greater Cleveland area.


    Our church in Japan uses this once-a-year trip to grow deeper in relationships and have a chance to share the gospel with these kids and their families more directly. To prepare to come and stay with host families, our pastor will, over two months, share with the kids and their parents what Christians believe. It is a massive opportunity for the gospel.


    Please pray for the participants and their families that the Lord would open their hearts to the gospel. Also, join us in praying that the Lord will provide the necessary host families for this reverse mission trip.

  • Chris & Leanne November 2024 Prayer Requests

    Over the summer, our church had many youth events focused on the gospel. Every year, one of the events is a three-day camp held in the mountains of Iwate, Japan. This year, we had 23 kids attend from our church alone.


    RT, KS, MH, and MA, who have been attending different youth gatherings for some time now, had their hearts open to the gospel. Praise the Lord. Please be in prayer for them as they now enter into more focused discipleship time with our ministry partners. May the Lord grow their faith in His promises. And may He draw them into an irresistible relationship with their Lord.

  • Chris & Leanne October 2024 Prayer Requests

    Following a large earthquake earlier this year, we asked for prayers for the people of Ishikawa, Japan. Since then, our mission (SEND) and our church in Japan (SBBC) have been working to help support local pastor Arakawa and Wajima Bible Church with their relief and recovery work.

    Recently, there has been significant flooding in the area. Flooding homes that survived the earthquake and temporary housing have also been affected. Pray the Lord would give the church in Japan more ways to be His hands and feet, caring for the needs of the people of Ishikawa.

    May the Lord be glorified by His children showing his love, and may this open doors for sharing God's word and the gospel with those receiving care. Lord, please open their hearts and lives to the only true hope found in you.


  • Chris & Leanne September 2024 Prayer Requests

    The summer ministry season in Japan, though short, can be full. As our church in Japan moves into the fall season, please pray that our team and church members of SBBC will get much-needed rest and recovery.


    Also, pray for the kids and families who heard the gospel for the first time over the summer. May they hear the voice of the Good Shepherd calling their name. Please, Lord, turn their hearts towards you. May they treasure a relationship with you above all else.


    There were chances to grow deeper in relationships throughout the summer. May the Lord give our team gospel moments with friends in the community in the coming months.


    It has been a blessing to be back in northeast Ohio and to see and reconnect with our Parkside Church family. Please join us in thanking and praising the Lord for this gathering of brothers and sisters in Christ. It is wonderful to open God's Word and worship with one another again. Please continue to pray for our kids as they continue to settle into new surroundings in school and the community.



  • Chris & Leanne August 2024 Prayer Requests

    * During the isolation of COVID, a dear friend, Mrs. R, became a Christian. It has been beautiful to watch her grow in her relationship with Jesus in the years since. Mrs. R has a passion to see her close friends come to know Jesus.


    * These friends are part of a group called the “Cherry Ladies.” These ladies have been introduced to the gospel over the years but have not yet made a commitment to follow Jesus. In the recent absence of missionaries, Mrs. R has organized a Bible study with our pastor and three of her friends. Mrs. O (our former neighbor) is attending that Bible study! Please join us in praying for these ladies and for Mrs. R as she shares her faith. Please also pray for Mrs. R’s husband to open his heart to the gospel.


    *This month our church in Japan has several more outreaches and camps. Please pray for health, stamina, and unity among the Christian workers. Please pray that the hope of the gospel resonates in the hearts of those who participate.

  • Chris & Leanne July 2024 Prayer Requests

    * We have been blessed to connect with family, friends, and our Parkside family over the past month.


     * Schools in Japan will begin their five-week summer vacation break at the end of this month. Please pray for our team in Japan as they plan and prepare for summer ministries and camps. May the Lord prepare the hearts of those who attend to hear and accept the gospel. Some of the kids have been attending the kid's ministry for years. Pray for courage to ask the deepest-felt questions of their souls. May the Holy Spirit move in mighty ways.


     * Our team is gaining a new family. The Tams have moved from Tokyo to join the Shiogama Bible Baptist Church ministry. May they smoothly transition to this new area and church, and may the Lord bring them into relationships with those in the community. We pray the Lord is already working in the lives and hearts of their new neighbors in preparation for His lights to be moving into their community.