Kep is the International Director of Equipping Servants International (ESI)- a three-year, part-time training and discipleship program among pastors and leaders of different churches and denominations. Founded in 2002, there are currently ESI groups meeting in 32 countries in Africa, Latin America, South America, Europe, and the United States.
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Kep & Debbie March 2025 Update
Download Kep and Debbie's March 2025 Update.
Thank you for praying for the work of Equipping Servants (ESI). This month, hear the history of ESI, what we hope to do, and where we are working. We VALUE your prayer! Please pray for us next week leading an ESI Facilitator Training with 50 pastors and church leaders in northern Italy. We know that God is answering your prayers!
Thankful for your partnership in the gospel with us,
Kep and Debbie James
Kep & Debbie February 2025 Prayer Requests
* Pray for the African missionaries we will be training in March and April with the Egyptian based ministry “Streams of Living Water” in 3 Training Centers in Senegal, Burundi and Rwanda. Pray for these committed men and women as they prepare to go out and plant churches in Muslim communities. Pray that the Lord will use them to see a rich harvest for the gospel as many gospel-churches are planted.
* Pray for the Italian pastors we will be training in Florence in early March to become ESI Facilitators. Pray this month as they prepare for this training by doing Bible studies in Romans 1-3. Pray that the Lord will use the 4 days together to challenge and encourage each one to experience deep gospel transformation in their lives.
* Pray for Boris and Marco as they lead ESI groups of Spanish speaking pastors in Virginia and South Florida. Pray also for Jose leading ESI groups of Spanish speaking pastors in Los Angeles. Pray that each participant will grow in their understanding of the gospel and their love for Jesus, that they will live true to the gospel, and that they will teach and preach God’s Word faithfully in their local churches.
* Pray for the 3 groups of African pastors meeting weekly in ESI groups in London, also for 3 new ESI groups meeting in Paris. Pray for the ESI groups planning to start in Holland in July.
New Year's Greeting from Kep & Debbie
Staying on Track with Jesus’ Purpose
As we bid farewell to 2024 and step into 2025, our prayer for you—and for ourselves—is that the Lord will renew in us the urgency to fulfill His call: “Go and make disciples.”
Being Disciples
Before we can make disciples, we must first be disciples. That’s why committing ourselves to the study of God’s Word is so vital as we move forward. To “rightly handle the Word of Truth” means to correctly understand and live by it. Walking in Christ is a life full of the Bible, where the Holy Spirit shapes us by God’s Word to be more like Jesus (John 8:31–32). May 2025 be a year where we delight to draw closer to Him! Making Disciples In a world that often pressures us to conform, sharing the good news of Jesus can be daunting. Yet, understanding the distinction between our role and God’s role brings clarity. Evangelism isn’t about coercion or results—it’s about faithfully declaring the truth of Christ. The results are God’s alone. Our calling is to share His message with love and truth, trusting Him to convict hearts and draw people to Himself. This reliance on God reminds us not to depend on human strategies but on His power alone (1 Cor 2:5).
God’s Part; Our Part
Evangelist Rico Tice captures this beautifully in Honest Evangelism:
“The problem with our evangelism is that we cannot produce results! No one can bring another person to Christ—that is not our calling. Our task is to proclaim the truth about Jesus and His gospel. God takes His Word and uses it to convict, convince, and draw people to Himself. When we grasp this, it is incredibly freeing. It reminds us to rely on the Creator of life—who spoke the world into existence and continues to create spiritual life today.” (paraphrase)
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Our responsibility is to share the gospel and pray fervently for God to work the miracle of salvation.
The James Family

- About
Kep is the International Director of Equipping Servants International (ESI)- a three-year, part-time training and discipleship program among pastors and leaders of different churches and denominations. Founded in 2002, there are currently ESI groups meeting in 32 countries in Africa, Latin America, South America, Europe, and the United States.