The James Family
Kep & Debbie February 2025 Prayer Requests
* Pray for the African missionaries we will be training in March and April with the Egyptian based ministry “Streams of Living Water” in 3 Training Centers in Senegal, Burundi and Rwanda. Pray for these committed men and women as they prepare to go out and plant churches in Muslim communities. Pray that the Lord will use them to see a rich harvest for the gospel as many gospel-churches are planted.
* Pray for the Italian pastors we will be training in Florence in early March to become ESI Facilitators. Pray this month as they prepare for this training by doing Bible studies in Romans 1-3. Pray that the Lord will use the 4 days together to challenge and encourage each one to experience deep gospel transformation in their lives.
* Pray for Boris and Marco as they lead ESI groups of Spanish speaking pastors in Virginia and South Florida. Pray also for Jose leading ESI groups of Spanish speaking pastors in Los Angeles. Pray that each participant will grow in their understanding of the gospel and their love for Jesus, that they will live true to the gospel, and that they will teach and preach God’s Word faithfully in their local churches.
* Pray for the 3 groups of African pastors meeting weekly in ESI groups in London, also for 3 new ESI groups meeting in Paris. Pray for the ESI groups planning to start in Holland in July.
* Pray for Jose Gutierrez as he works with pastors in Nicaragua who plan to start ESI groups.
* Pray for the 3000 ESI participants in 250 groups in 37 countries, as these men and women grow in their love for God as they study His Scriptures weekly. Pray that they will experience gospel transformation in their lives, relationships and local churches.
* Pray for the ILC Church that Kep and Debbie started in Bolivia in 1990, that its leadership will continue honoring Christ by staying true to His Scriptures.