The James Family

The James Family

Recent Blogposts

  • Kep & Debbie October 2023 Prayer Requests

    We have spent the past eight weeks helping African pastors in five countries in their study of the Bible. Many told us that this is the first time they have ever dug into Scripture to do a study for themselves. Many expressed how helpful and encouraging this has been for their personal lives, their marriages and their ministries.


    Please pray with us in the month of October as they organize Bible study groups in their cities for the propose of studying the Bible together, that they will experience real gospel transformation in their lives. 

  • Kep & Debbie Africa Trip Report Aug-Sept 2023

    Download a printable copy of Kep & Debbie James' Africa Trip Report Aug-Sept 2023.


    We're back in Cleveland after two wonderful months of ministry in five African countries. Attached is a brief report of what we did. Your prayers are so important to us.


    Thankful to God for you,

    Kep and Debbie

  • Kep & Debbie Africa Mid-trip Update

    A quick mid-trip update.


    Thank you for your prayers. We spent last week with 150 Rwandan pastors taking them through Romans 1-3. There was a genuine sense of wanting to get back to the gospel, and a commitment among many to begin studying the Bible -- which many admitted they had never done.


    This week we are working with 22 church planting students in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. This is a serious group of young people finishing up seven months of training, who are about to go out in small teams to share Christ and plant churches in Muslim communities. We value your prayer for the next two weeks as we work with them. Pray that they will each make a commitment to become life-long students of the Bible, to understand it (to see Jesus and the gospel as the central message), to live it (to experience gospel transformation daily in their lives), so they can teach and preach it (planting churches that look like what Jesus instructed!).


    You are here with us through your prayers!

    Kep and Debbie

  • Kep & Debbie Africa Ministry Update

    Last week Debbie and I were with 80 students at a church planting ministry in Cairo, taking them through 1 Corinthians 1 and 2 -- a wonderful time looking at our need to rely on God's resource (the Scripture) to stay true to His plan for the church (2 Timothy 1:13-14). Many said how much the time together helped and encouraged them.


    The week before that in Accra, Ghana with 80 pastors leading a 4-day ESI training retreat. Many of them finished, deciding to start ESI in their areas in the next few weeks.


    This week we were in Zambia visiting the 15 groups that started 2 months ago. Paulo and Vania went with Ruth to visit the groups in Kasempa. Debbie and I went with Payne Mano to visit the groups in Ndola and Chingola. We are very encouraged at the depth of insight in their study of Romans, overall -- and their enthusiasm to continue. Many spoke of how God is transforming important areas of their life as they study the Bible and remain focused on Jesus and His gospel.



  • Kep & Debbie September 2023 Prayer Requests

    Please pray for Kep and Debbie the month of September. We will be in Rwanda the entire month.

    The first week we will be training 100 pastors in an ESI Facilitators Training Retreat, and the rest of the month with a ministry training Rwandan 30 church planting missionaries in the book of Romans as they prepare to go out to plant churches in Muslim communities through North Africa.


  • Kep & Debbie August 2022 Update

    Thank you for praying for our time in Bloemfontein, South Africa. This has been a tremendously fruitful week spending time with Parkside Church supported missionary Thapelo, a South African pastor. He organized a 2-day ESI Facilitator Training retreat at his church for 80 local church pastors from here and from the neighboring country of Lesotho.

    Studying through the first 3 chapters of Romans, many finished recognizing their need to get serious about studying the Bible. Pray that they will be serious and faithful to do this. We will likely start 4 ESI groups in Bloemfontein and Lesotho.

    Then on Tuesday, we travel to Accra, Ghana, to hold a 4-day ESI training retreat. Please pray that the Lord will enable the 70 Ghana pastors to see their need to study the Bible, to understand the Bible, to live the Bible, and to preach and teach the Bible faithfully.

    So thankful to God for your partnership in the gospel with us,

    Kep and Debbie James

  • Kep & Debbie August 2023 Prayer Requests

    * Pray for Kep who will be with Thapelo in South Africa August 5-15. Pray for the ESI Facilitator Training we will do with 70 South African pastors during this time.

    * Pray for Kep and Paulo (Brazilian who is helping Kep develop ESI in Africa) as they lead an ESI Facilitator Training in Ghana August 16-19.

    * Pray for Kep and Debbie running a leaders training August 26-28 in Egypt.

    * Pray for Kep and Debbie working with Ruth Powell and Paulo to visit the 15 ESI groups that have started in Zambia.

    * Pray for Kep and Debbie and Paulo as we lead an ESI Facilitator Training in Rwanda the first week of September with 130 pastors. After that we will lead a two-week training for church planters in Kigali, Rwanda.

    Thank you,


  • Kep & Debbie July 2023 Prayer Requests

    *Please pray for the follow up of the ESI trainings in Brazil (Sao Paulo and Rio) that we did in June. There is a lot of interest in Brazil among pastors to study the Bible to understand the central message of the Bible, to live the transformation of the gospel, so that they can teach and preach the Bible faithfully.

    Most pastors do not study the Bible, and they have seen their need and priority to do this. So pray that they will start ESI groups in July -- these groups are designed to study Romans as a group in every city, and to meet regularly to discuss what they learn, and then to help each other live out the truth of God's Word in their lives and marriages and ministries.


    *Pray for Paulo and Vania da Silva as they lead an ESI facilitator training in Rondonia, Brazil in July -- before they return to Burundi, East Africa.


    *Pray for the ESI facilitator training that Paulo and Vania da Silva will lead in Congo, the week after the ESI training in Rondonia, Brazil.


  • Kep & Debbie June 2023 Update

    Download a printable Kep & Debbie June 2023 Update.

    We thank God for your prayers for the work in Africa and South America.

    Attached is our June Update explaining some of what we have done March-May (with photos). Please pray for us tomorrow as we fly to Sao Paulo and Rio to guide 150 Brazilian pastors and church leaders through our ESI (Equipping Servants) Facilitator Training -- along with our dear friends Brazilian missionaries Paulo and Vania (Key leaders now in ESI Africa -- see description inside).

    This is a team effort -- we VALUE your prayers!


    Kep and Debbie

  • Kep & Debbie June 2023 Prayer Requests

    * Pray for the ILC Church that Kep and Debbie planted in Bolivia, that its leadership will continue honoring Christ by staying true to His Scriptures.


    ESI Latin America (Equipping Servants International – Disciples Making Disciples)

     * Pray for the 2,500 ESI participants in 220 groups meeting in 20 countries, with 2900 total graduates since beginning in 2002. Current ESI countries are USA Spanish, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Spain, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Congo, Uganda, and Botswana. Pray that these men and women will grow in their love for God as they study His Scriptures, that they will experience gospel transformation in their lives, relationships and local churches.


    * Please pray for Kep and Debbie working with Paulo Sergio da Silva in June (1-10) leading 2 ESI Facilitator Training Retreats for 160 Brazilian pastors in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. After that, Kep will lead ES pastors conferences in Medellin and Bogota, Colombia June 11-17.