The Ross Family
Recent Blogposts
Mike & Joan May 2024 Prayer Requests
* Pray for wisdom regarding the future of the work in Mexico and how to use the tools that God has provided to reach the lost.
* Pray that Mike and Joan’s extended family would love the Lord with all their hearts.
* Praise God for the love shown to the community of San Miguel through the Parkside dental team. Pray that the gospel seeds sown there will bear much fruit.
* Praise for a good trip to visit Neri and Karina Rivera in Tapachula.
* Pray for another pilot to help Amos fly in Mexico.
Mike & Joan April 2024 Prayer Requests
* Pray for wisdom regarding the future of the work in Mexico and how to use the tools that God has provided to reach the lost.
* Pray that Mike and Joan’s extended family would love the Lord with all their hearts.
* Praise God for the love shown to the community of San Miguel through the Parkside dental team. Pray that the gospel seeds sown there will bear much fruit.
* Praise for a good trip to visit Neri and Karina Rivera in Tapachula.
* Pray for another pilot to help Amos fly in Mexico.
Mike & Joan March 2024 Prayer Requests
* Pray for wisdom regarding the future of the work in Mexico and how to use the tools that God has provided to reach the lost.
* Pray that Mike and Joan’s extended family would love the Lord with all their hearts.
* Praise for God’s love shown to the community of San Miguel through the Parkside dental team. Pray that the Gospel seeds sown there will bear much fruit.
* Pray for another pilot to help Amos fly in Mexico.
Mike & Joan February 2024 Prayer Requests
* Pray for wisdom regarding the future of the work in Mexico and how to use the tools that God has provided to reach the lost.
* Pray that Mike and Joan’s extended family would love the Lord with all their hearts.
* Praise for God’s love shown to the community of San Miguel through the Parkside dental team. Pray that the Gospel seeds sown there will bear much fruit.
* Pray for another pilot to help Amos fly in Mexico.
Mike & Joan January 2024 Prayer Requests
* Pray for wisdom regarding the future of the work in Mexico and how to use the tools that God has provided to reach the lost.
* Pray that Mike and Joan’s extended family would love the Lord with all their hearts.
* Please pray for all the logistics for the Parkside dental team going to Mexico this month and that God would prepare hearts in San Miguel to receive the Gospel.
* Pray for another pilot to help Amos fly in Mexico.
Mike & Joan December 2023 Prayer Requests
* Pray for wisdom regarding the future of the work in Mexico and how to use the tools that God has provided to reach the lost.
* Pray that Mike and Joan’s extended family would love the Lord with all their hearts.
* Please pray for the logistics of a Parkside Dental team for January that God would make clear where the team should serve.
* Continue to pray for Pedro and Roberto as they faithfully do follow-up visits to Pueblo Viejo and share the gospel in neighboring communities.
Mike & Joan November 2023 Prayer Requests
* They are very thankful for positive results following Joan’s recent surgery.
* Pray for wisdom regarding future involvement in the work in Mexico and how to use the tools that God has provided to reach the lost.
* Pray that Mike and Joan’s extended family would love the Lord with all their hearts.
* Please continue to pray for Pedro and Roberto as they faithfully do follow-up visits to Pueblo Viejo and share the gospel in neighboring communities.
Mike & Joan October 2023 Prayer Requests
* Pray that as Mike makes two trips for MAF this month that he can encourage others in the work of the Gospel.
* We are very thankful for positive results following Joan’s surgery.
* Pray that Mike and Joan’s extended family would love the Lord with all their hearts.
* Please continue to pray for Pedro and Roberto as they faithfully do follow-up visits to Pueblo Viejo and share the gospel in neighboring communities.
Ross Ministry Update Summer 2023
Download the Ross Ministry Update - Summer 2023.
Mike & Joan September 2023 Prayer Requests
* Pray that Mike can encourage the team in Mexico on a trip this month (postponed from August).
* Pray that Mike and Joan’s extended family would love the Lord with all their hearts.
* Please continue to pray for Pedro and Roberto as they faithfully do follow-up visits to Pueblo Viejo and share the gospel in neighboring communities.
* Pray for another pilot to help Amos fly in Mexico.