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Wonders of His Love
Jesus was born to die to save sinners. The baby in the manger is the creator of the universe and ...
Alistair Begg -
All One in Jesus
All who trust in Jesus are united in Him with fellow believers. Looking to Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer, Alistair Begg ...
Alistair Begg -
What Angels Wish They Knew
When the angels announced the birth of Jesus, although they were observers and participants, they could not know firsthand the ...
Alistair Begg -
"And for Their Sake..."
“Jesus loves me, this I know.” This simple refrain from a children’s song puts words to a life-altering biblical ...
Alistair Begg -
Into the World
Before His earthly mission came to an end, Jesus prayed for the disciples as they were being commissioned to serve ...
Alistair Begg -
Sanctify Them
In His High Priestly Prayer, Jesus asked God the Father to sanctify His disciples in the truth of His word ...
Alistair Begg -
The Anchor of Our Assurance
In Romans 8, Paul presents the astounding truth at the heart of the gospel—God is for us. For the believer ...
Nick Spurgeon -
There Is a Higher Throne
Dan Schillero -
The Priority of Knowing God
As sin led more and more to the destruction of Israel, Jeremiah mourned the state of God’s people. He accused ...
Matt Ross -
A Famine of Hearing
God desires to speak to his people and he uses his Word to reveal to us his very nature. In ...
Mickey Aquilino