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  • 05/26/19

    The Return of the Ark

    Weary of plagues and eager to rid themselves of the ark, the Philistines devised a plan to test whether their ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 05/19/19

    The Heavy Hand of God

    God cannot be defeated, even when His children are. When the Philistines vanquished the Israelites and captured the ark, all ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 05/12/19

    My Mother and My Brothers

    What would Jesus think about Mother’s Day? The brief glimpses provided in Scripture reveal that while Jesus was respectful, courteous ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 05/05/19

    Faith or Fear

    Terry McCutcheon
  • 04/28/19

    A Prayer for Endurance

    Jesus promised that those who put their trust in Him would endure great affliction. How, then, are we to remain ...

    Nick Spurgeon
  • 04/21/19

    He Saw and Believed

    The finality of Christ’s burial left His disciples in a state of fear and mourning. The silence of the grave ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 04/19/19

    It Must Be So

    Deserted by His companions, bound, spat upon, beaten, mocked, flogged, and crucified—why did God allow this to happen to His ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 04/14/19

    What True Greatness Is

    The pursuit of greatness is a powerful driving force. Mark 10 records the disciples James and John jostling for what ...

    Eric Pollitz
  • 04/14/19

    A New King in Town

    Mike Willmer
  • 04/07/19

    One Thing

    We’re surrounded by things that clamor for our attention: obligations, aspirations, and even fears. In the midst of what can ...

    Scott Kennedy